Sometimes in my haste, I wonder why I make such haste. Bills, work, and the latest technology have never been sustaining and probably never will be. Most things aren't a big deal. But, people and relationships are. Other than that, who cares.
The more I think of it the more I'm intrigued by the topics of nature, art, and music. So many claim to have such a profound connection with these things, but they're hard to squeeze in after I read my necessary Facebook posts, tweets, and Instagrams. How can anyone have time for them when working 50 hours, trying to keep up with a mortgage, take care of two kids, and clean a house?
I think that's just it. I don't and never will have that time. While these things aren't bad, I just know there is more to be experienced.
Sometimes, I wonder if people were ever meant to own all their own things and provide by all their own means. I know man's curse is "by the sweat of your brow" and all, but it seems like if we worked together and maybe even lived together (don't you roll your eyes at me!) we could lighten the load for everyone.
Then, maybe all of us could experience more of the beauty in the world and help those not in a position to experience that beauty.
I sound like a hippy.
*gets off soapbox*