Friday, January 27, 2012


Update: Our paperwork is being submitted to the courts in Uganda within the next week; maybe even today! That means, all that stands between us and booking a flight to Uganda is a phone call about our actual court date!

We've had overwhelming support from family and friends. Thank you sooooo much! It's been a humbling experience as well. You see, I'm kind of a 'git r done' kind of guy sometimes. I naturally dive into things headfirst with the intention of seeking no outside help. It's definitely a pride issue for me. So, when Kristen and I starting raising support for our adoption, I was a little leery.

Through the generous prayer, encouragement, and giving of our great family and friends, I'm starting to learn that there is beauty in a collective effort; a lot of it. God is using our adoption to move within people - people that I don't even know sometimes. We get messages from people who are praying for us and it is very encouraging We've also received numerous financial donations. In fact, earlier this week, the craziest thing happened.

I was in a meeting for work (I'm having lots of those lately...) and Kristen texted me.

"Do you know such and such?"

I said, "Uh, her name sounds familiar, but I can't remember who she is. Why?"

"Well, she just deposited a large sum of $ into our paypal account" Kristen said.

WHAT?! I was floored. I was sure it was a mistake. Why would someone who I barely know and is younger than me do this? I got a hold of her yesterday and she assured me that it wasn't a mistake. She'd caught wind of our story and was inspired. God was/is working in her heart and his work in her led her to make the decision to help us financially. Wow.


This story in particular led to light bulb turning on in my head. Suddenly, it seemed selfish to not involve others in our adoption. By doing everything ourselves, I rid God of the opportunity to use our adoption to work in other people's lives. God can use any situation to work in the hearts of his people. Of course I want others to get a chance to be part of this!

Sometimes, I look at pictures of Faith and Stecia and it doesn't seem real. Who really thought it was a good idea for me to be a dad? Haha. Then, I was reminded of a blog post I'd read awhile back. It was from a 52 year old lady who is a mother to something like 11 kids... I know, craziness. Of the 11, 8 are adopted. Holy Cow. Anyway, she wrote a post that was a response to several questions she'd gotten about adoption. Things like..

How do you afford so many adoptions?

Aren't you and your husband getting a little old to adopt?

She responds to these questions and more with such good answers. In short, she goes back to God's heart for the orphan. Jesus was born as one of "the least of these" and God has a desire that no one should suffer, especially children. Because of God's heart for orphans, God loves to help those who are willing to care for his children. He provides ways through the seemingly impossible situations -Whether it be financial or physical.

Her blog documents several stories of God's provision in their lives; several of which center around their adopted children. I highly recommend you check out her blog. If you're interested, its listed here.

God uses the willing to do his work. Man, that is exciting. Thinking about these things takes away my leeriness and hesitance. I feel so alive when I think about my relationship with God, that he loves me, and wants to use me to do awesome things.

No one that God uses is great in and of themselves, they're just willing.

As one of my college professors used to say...

Happy Trails!

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