Saturday, January 12, 2013

Yep, we're still here!

It's been awhile since I've written, but we're still here and kicking. The transition back into Iowa life for our new family has been exceptional. We've had so much help from family and friends that, looking back, I'm not sure how would we would have done it without them. The kids have done marvelously as well. They're very excited about all the new things they gotten to experience. They embrace new people, experiences, and weather (haha) with open arms and zipped up coats ;)

When we got back to the states, the first few weeks were essentially saved by my parents, Kristen's parents, and sister/brother in law. We had some financial help and A TON of babysitting help from them. Between them all, they did all the daycare between November 5th and Thanksgiving. This was a huge help. "Thanks" isn't even close to the payment they deserve for helping us out!

We'd been home for 24 hours when we decided to take the kids outside to play for the first time. We bundled them up and took them out. Ironically (or maybe through God's orchestration?), after a few minutes, some vaguely familar faces drove by. They pulled over and got out. It was a mother and daughter who have also adopted and we'd met them at a garage sale last summer. Through this random meeting, we found out that their daughter (Annie) was moving in 4 houses down from us. Also, she was planning to open an in-home daycare! Also, randomly enough, I'd tutored her in Geometry when she was in high school while I was attending UNI. So, not only does Annie have experience with adopted children, but she lives 4 doors down. The kids talk about "Annie's house" all the time. I'm starting to think that I've slipped from being #2 (behind Kristen, of course) to being #3 in the kids' eyes!

The kids have even taken to the cold weather and snow quite well (I know it's been mild so far, but in Africa, it never got below 55 degrees). They've been sledding and played in it quite a bit. Christmas was also a joyful time. In general, the kids have taken in all the new experience, places, and people exceptionally well. They love all the attention they get from family and friends.

On December 26th, we also got to officially adopt them in Iowa! On the way to the court house, I remember feeling like, "Oh, crap. Here we go again." Our experiences in Uganda made me feel like something would go wrong for sure. However, all of our family was there, the judge and lawyers were all in good moods, and we were in and out in about an hour (waiting room and all)! This was such a nice Christmas present :) Its now official!! Another huge reason why this is important is because we can now apply for the adoption tax credit on our income taxes this year! This should help pay off some of the loans we've incurred because of the adoption.

We've been blessed, to say the least.

Looking at the ground we've covered since we flew out on August 20th, it seems crazy. We've got a 4 year old and a 3 year old that act as if they've been brother and sister since birth. We've also got a house that looks like a tornado hit it eveyday. But, its all worth it :)

The only real headache we've had since landing in Iowa is getting the kid's health insurance nailed down. Its nearly done, but its made us quite nervous, especially since they both ALWAYS have runny noses and Viola has had a cough for several weeks now. Other than that, I'm not sure there's anything I could complain about.

Thank you all for all your support and prayer! I may have slit my wrists the long way if not for you ;)

Oh, and the kids love visitors, so if you haven't stopped by yet, please do!

Derek, Kristen, Viola, and Gideon


  1. I really enjoying reading things about your kids! You guys have a great story. Its great how much better of a life they will have now. I hope someday I can give a child a better life by adopting :)

  2. Thank you for the update Derek. I've enjoyed all the updates shared by Lori & Ann (long-time friends) - and Kristen friended me on Facebook - so I get to see all the photos/videos. I don't have children - but I kind of would guess that the journey is/will be never-ending :) and Viola & Gideon are truly blessed to have you & Kristen as parents - and the rest of the extended family as "day care givers". I look forward to meeting them, and you & Kristen - and seeing Lori & Ann - soon! Take care! Scott
